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Art and Books that Make a Difference

As a long time artist and author, I offer artwork that creates peace, looks at your Energy Anatomy, and expresses our divine nature. On this page are a variety of examples of my art. I hope you enjoy them. For more in-depth view of visual art, check out: where I have art, books, book art and poetry highlighted.


My books intend to make a difference as they turn our ordinary life into an extraordinary one. Lightworkers will especially love my books. So will families! Also offering prose and poetry. A New Series of Ancient Women Ancestor Series: Kisti’s Royal Garden, (Narrative non-fiction about my GG Grandparents settling in Amherst Junction, Wisconsin), The Legend of Randine: Entering the Sisterhood (Novel about my GGG Grandmother who was a Midwife in Norway in the 1820’s and 30’s), The Legend of Randine: The Laerdal Letters (Novel about Randine’s life in Laerdal as the first official mid-wife).


Two books just published: Two Worlds, One Light: A Memoir of a Medium (Memoir), and The Mother of Us All: Divine Mother Speaks, A Way Forward. See these books and my artwork on

NEW! The Mother of Us All, Divine Mother Speaks: A Way Forward


Winner of the International Impact Book Award!




NEW! Two Worlds, One Light: Memoir of a Medium





Click the add to cart button below or send me an email rhlysne@cruzio(dot)com.

Payments via Zelle or Venmo are preferred.  Please send your payments to the following and add a note with your mailing address:

  • Venmo: @robin-lysne
  • Zelle:

You can also pay by Paypal through Friends and Family below. When prompted by PayPal to add a note, write-in  your mailing address. Also, Robin will email you to confirm your selections.


Ceremonies from the Heart, for Children, Adults and the Earth


This book supports families and gives Lightworkers tools for change as part of the Lightworker’s toolbox. Anyone wanting more love and ways to express will love this book. Ceremonies helps families and individuals grow through natural changes and gives them ways to make changes more smooth. “This heart felt book offers simple solutions and effective ways to experience the power of your connections and enrich your daily life.” Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. author of Kitchen Table Wisdom” Former Medical Director, Commonweal Cancer Help Program.


Mosaic: New and Selected Poems

$15.00 NEW!

“Robin White Turtle Lysne’s Mosaic is a book of tenderness, awe and depth. Lysne explores the natural world in the manner of the mystic. With a keen eye and open heart, she communes with wolf, owl, raven, and cat. Her poems reach deeply into relationships between family members, friends, and lovers. Throughout this vast collection, Lysne’s brave poems explore the joys of a live richly lived and challenge us to do the same.’ David Denny, author of: Some Divine Commotion and Man Overboard and several others, and he was the 2017 Poet Laureate of Cupertino, CA.


Poems for the Lost Deer


“Echoing Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, Robin Lysne’s Poems for the Lost Deer documents the recent systematic slaughter of “non-native” Axis and Fallow deer from the Point Reyes National Seashore. Presenting “what happened” in an assemblage of overlapping voices — factual “evidence”…. the book Robin Lysne has given us, one whose time has come not a moment too soon.” –Stephen Ratcliffe, author of: Real, Portraits and Repetition, and over 20 books of poetry and criticism, retired Professor, Mills College, Oakland, CA

“Poems for the Lost Deer is much more than poems. It is a tract that is, at once, lamentation and praise song, dirge and testament and manifestation. And an inquiry into values and hierarchy and a series of addresses to the faces of power. … Poems for the Lost Deer invites readers to try to comprehend the scope and scale of the hillsides and of “what humans do.” —C. S. Giscombe author of Into & Out of Dislocation, and many others titles, professor UC. Berkeley, CA

“This engaged and engaging sequence of poems by Robin Lysne sees permeable borders where others see boundaries: it is a kind of wordsmithery that is at once committed to changing our given worlds, and to imagining spiritual worlds we have not yet reached. …Through drawings, prose fragments, and lyrics, the poet deals in weighty matters, but with a deft touch that always allows the mysteries of nature to seep in and color everything. Let us listen hard to her singing.” –David Allen Sullivan, Professor Cabrillo College, author of Strong-Armed Angels, Every Seed of the Pomegranate


Path of the Heart CD


This CD is available for free if you buy Heart Path, or Heart Path Handbook

This CD helps you find the path to your heart. It also helps you connect with your spiritual guides and angels. Offering you guidance and free-choice in creating your sacred space, a safe and nurturing place within, this CD is relaxing and healing as you listen to it. Use as a means to heal your heart’s desire. The CD is professionally recorded, approximately 45 minutes in length with music by harpist Adam Free. Only $15.00. Pay through Paypal or contact. rhlysne(at)cruzio(dot)com or (831) 457-2483.

Heart Path, Learning to Love Yourself and Listening to Your Guides


This book will teach you how to love yourself and connect with your spiritual guidance.

“Learning self-love is something everyone needs to learn. Heart Path offer readers a way to love themselves without limits.” John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Heart Path Handbook, for Therapists and Healers


Offers a more detailed use of the Heart Path process. This was Robin’s Ph.D. dissertation. It shares several healing sessions with some clients that have offered her permission to use their sessions. It gives Therapists and Healers a way to access emotional, mental and spiritual blocks for each client. The book also illustrates chakras and energy healing from various aspects of the body.


Sacred Living or Living a Sacred Life, 365 Meditations and Celebrations

Out of Print is a year-round guide to bringing spirit into your everyday life. This book includes hundreds of simple ceremonies, suggestions, meditations and holiday celebrations that are seasonal and metaphorically seasonal to our daily lives. (Out of Print)

“A celebratory book of days which, with skill and verve, leads the reader to transform daily life into sacred time, sacred space–routine becomes rarified, and life moves from mundane to mystery.” Jean Houston, author of: A Mythic Life, Passion for the Possible and many others.

“A practical and Inspirational guide for using ritual and ceremony to support the mystery and joy of daily life, taking it out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary.” The late Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. author of: The Four-Fold Way and Signs of Life.

“I Loved this book…There is never enough of this kind of material!” Z. Budapest, author of Summoning the Fates and many others.


Dancing Up the Moon, A Woman’s Guide to Creating Traditions that Bring Sacredness to Daily Life

Out of Print – Newest Version is Ceremonies from the Heart for Children, Adults and the Earth

Dancing Up the Moon, brings more meaning into everyday life.

“As women we have always honored the sacred by being the keepers of tradition, we organize parties, send cards, and cook the food for birthdays and holidays. In this book you will find other ways to bring the sacred into daily life that extend naturally from what we do already.” writes Robin Lysne.

True stories infused with poetry that sets off each chapter, Dancing Up the Moon supports life-changing passages such as conception, birth, and puberty as well as career change, new friendships, death and divorce.

“This heart felt book offers simple and effective ways to experience the power of your connections to enrich your daily life. A real gift for anyone who has longed to deepen their connections or experience their connectedness to others or larger realities for the first time.” Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. Medical Director, Commonweal Cancer Help Program, author of Kitchen Table Wisdom

How to Order

Books are available through this website, through your local independent bookstore, and in person or at events! For larger orders please Contact Robin and go to her other website:

Support your independent authors and buy from their websites. and this website.

The images above are available for purchase in the form of greeting cards. The cards are $3.00 a piece, or 5 for $15.00. To purchase, you can email me, rhlysne (at) cruzio (dot) com and I can give you more details. Or connect with me on FB under Robin Lysne.

Greeting Cards

The images of my art work are available for purchase in the form of greeting cards. The cards are $3.00 a piece, or 5 for $15.00. To purchase, you can Contact Robin and I can give you more details. I also have a new website: where my art and poetry are highlighted. 

Original Art Also Available for most of these images. Prices available upon request. For more information or interest in Robin’s art please contact herAlso check out my artwork on my new website: where original art, book art, and poetry are displayed.